Passada School Of Afro Latin Dance. Sammy does SEMBA! Check out our private semba class with our little Sammy Samosa! Sammy has made leaps & bounds in her semba – the progress is AMAZING! Sammy started learning to dance...
Kizomba Tuesday kizombatuesdays with these nutters Kizomba is a beautifully connected partner dance and is first & foremost a family dance. No fancy steps. No ego. Just connection & focus on the family & culture. When you understand the...
Kizomba What Is Kizomba? Kizomba is a popular dance and music genre that originated in Angola in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The name “kizomba” comes from the Angolan word for “party” (In Kimbundu) and the dance is...
Beginners Bachata Ok so we’re always going on about how proud we are of our students (we are!) but seriously, look at these guys! These guys are beginners but they’re nailing the footwork #likeaboss 👏🏾 . . Join us...
dance Kizomba
Bikini Babe Dance Kizomba on the Gold Coast, Australia. Dancing Kizomba by the pool in Miami, Gold Coast. Small Kizomba dancing improvisation of our dance teacher. What is Kizomba dance? Kizomba is a slow and sexy partner dance from...