Salsa suelta With El Maestro Isaac Bationon

salsa suelta with el maestro isaac

Salsa suelta With El Maestro Isaac Bationon

Salsa Suelta: Learn 4 Fun Steps with Isaac Bationon ! In this article, we will be sharing our latest video of Isaac Bationon Workshop in France! So get your dance shoes on and start practicing!

Salsa Suelta: Learn 4 fun Steps with El Maestro Isaac Bationon

If you are a salsa enthusiast looking to expand your repertoire or just someone who loves to dance, then you might want to consider learning salsa suelta. Salsa suelta, which means “loose salsa” in Spanish, is a style of salsa dancing where dancers move independently from their partners. It’s a great way to have fun, express yourself, and develop your dancing skills.

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Salsa Suelta Isaac Dance

In this article, we will be sharing a video from el maestro Isaac Bationon, a renowned salsa instructor who has been teaching salsa suelta for over two decades. The video features Isaac teaching four different salsa suelta steps that you can learn and practice at home. The steps are broken down step-by-step, and then they are demonstrated with music so you can see how they fit into a salsa rhythm.

The video was taken during a workshop in Montreuil, France, where Isaac was teaching a group of students how to dance salsa suelta. The workshop was a great success, and the video captures the energy and excitement of the class.

Salsa Suelta Video Step By Step Tutorial

Salsa Suelta Tutorial: Step 1

In this first salsa suelta step by step tutorial, Isaac is showing how to do the  basic step of salsa casino and add the rumba step on the clave! make sure to do a quick weight transfer to mark the rumba step.

Salsa Suelta Dance Tutorial: Step 2

Step number 2 will be teaching you an easy footwork to add on your basic Cuban Salsa step. Make sure to stay light on your feet and keep your body weight on your toes!

Salsa Suelta Tutorials: Step 3

Step number 3 of salsa suelta is more complicated than the other one. In this salsa suelta combo, you will learn a new combo using bamboleo, mambo and some steps similar to Suzi Q. Isaac also add a “balance” step .

Tutorial of Salsa Suelta: Step 4

the latest step – salsa suelta number 4 – is definitely the hardest one out of all of them. Salsa music is also faster, we will recommend you to start with a slower tempo at first!

Practice your Salsa Suelta at home & With music!

After teaching each step individually, Isaac puts them all together and demonstrates how they fit into the rhythm of salsa music. This is a great way to practice the steps and get comfortable dancing salsa suelta. Isaac encourages his students to practice these steps at home and to come back to his classes to learn more advanced salsa suelta moves.

Benefits of learning salsa suelta?

There are numerous benefits to learning salsa suelta. Here are just a few of the most important ones:

  • Increased Confidence: Learning salsa suelta can be a great way to boost your confidence on the dance floor. As you become more comfortable with the steps, you’ll feel more confident in your ability to move to the music and express yourself through dance.
  • Improved Coordination: Salsa suelta requires a lot of coordination and balance, and practicing the steps can help you improve these skills. As you learn to move your body in time with the music, you’ll become more aware of your body’s movements and be able to control them more effectively.
  • Better Fitness: Dancing salsa suelta can be a great workout for your body. It’s a low-impact form of exercise that can help improve your cardiovascular health, strengthen your muscles, and even burn calories.
  • Social Connection: It is often danced in groups and can be added while dancing with a partner. Learning the steps can be a great way to connect with others. Dancing can be a social activity that helps you meet new people and build relationships.
  • Cultural Experience: Salsa suelta is deeply rooted in Latin American culture, and learning to dance it can give you a deeper appreciation for this culture. You’ll learn about the history of salsa and the different styles of music and dance that make it such a rich and diverse art form.
  • Stress Relief: Dancing can be a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. As you move your body to the rhythm of the music, you’ll be able to let go of your worries and focus on the present moment.
  • Creativity: Salsa suelta is a form of self-expression, and learning to dance it can help you tap into your creative side. You’ll be able to experiment with different moves and find your own unique style of salsa suelta.

What is salsa suelta?

Salsa suelta, also known as solo salsa or salsa footwork, is a type of salsa dancing that is performed without a partner. Instead of dancing in pairs, dancers in salsa suelta focus on their individual movements, footwork, and body movements.

It is characterized by its energetic footwork, intricate turns, and syncopated rhythms. It is a highly improvisational dance style that allows dancers to express themselves creatively and experiment with different movements and rhythms.

While suelta is often performed without a partner, it can also be danced in groups or as part of a larger salsa routine. In fact, many salsa competitions and performances feature both partner dancing and solo footwork, showcasing the versatility and creativity of this popular dance style.

Salsa suelta is deeply rooted in the Latin American music and dance traditions, particularly those of Cuba and Puerto Rico. It has evolved over time to incorporate elements of jazz, hip hop, and other dance styles, making it a truly unique and dynamic form of dance.

Conclusion Salsa Suelta Dancing

Dancing suelta is a fun and exciting way to dance salsa. Learning these four steps from el maestro Isaac Bationon is a great way to get started. With practice, you can develop your skills and become a confident salsa suelta dancer. So grab a partner or dance solo, put on some salsa music, and give it a try! And don’t forget to watch the video and learn the four steps that Isaac teaches. With his guidance, you’ll be dancing salsa in no time.

LOOking for salsa shoes to dance salsa suelta?

Latin Dance Shoes Australia is an e-commerce store that specializes in selling high-quality Latin dance shoes, ballroom dance shoes and dancing shoes. The brand offers a wide range of products, including men’s and women’s dance shoes, in different colours (like black dance shoes), sizes, and styles. The company also provides dance accessories, such as shoe brushes, shoe bags, and shoe straps. If you are looking for salsa shoes online, this is the place to go!

The products offered by Latin Dance Shoes Australia are designed with the dancers’ comfort and performance in mind. The shoes are made with durable materials and feature supportive soles and breathable designs, ensuring dancers can move confidently and comfortably on the dance floor. The website also provides detailed product descriptions, sizing guides, and customer reviews to help customers make informed purchasing decisions.


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In addition to the quality of the products, Latin Dance Shoes Australia also prioritizes excellent customer service. The company offers free shipping within Australia and a 30-day money-back guarantee for all purchases. The website is easy to navigate, and customers can easily find what they are looking for and contact the customer service team for assistance.

Overall, Latin Dance Shoes Australia is an excellent option for dancers looking for high-quality dance shoes and accessories. With a wide range of products, competitive prices, and excellent customer service, the brand is a top choice for dancers in Australia and beyond.

They also do have excellent articles about latin dancing.

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Dance teacher, music lover and latin dancer!

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